This Liberal Government has restricted Investment and Development in the Fossil Fuel Industry, shutting in the industry and its necessary pipelines to move crude oil to market.
In the oil sands, our very own Canadian oil sands, we have the 3rd largest proven crude oil reserve in the world, behind only Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.
Every person in Canada, and Every province and territory in Canada has benefitted tremendously, whether directly, indirectly or both from our oil sands development.
Over the next 25 years the oil sands has the potential to generate over $1.5 TRILLION in federal and provincial taxes and royalties. There is the potential for well over 500,000 direct and indirect jobs.
Provincial Governments have restricted Residential Construction, through Regulation and the Zoning Approval Process, which can take up to 7 years. And who can risk capital for that length of time.
To this End they try to do the Right Thing. But What is the Right Thing? And what if Global Warming is Delusional? Consider also that Canada Contributes only about 1.5% of Global Emissions.
Will the Climate in Canada look any different in 10-20 years after the Liberals impose their Climate Emission Mandates, then it has for the last 10-20 years?
Trudeau is destroying Canada as we know it, through a Globalist and Socialist Agenda with the Government Funded Projects resulting in Higher Taxes, and Higher Trade Deficits, as we Block our Oil Exports, with Bills C-48 and Bill 69 hurting our Balance of Payments and resulting in Country Discontent.
Here are some of the issues facing Canadians which sooner or later need to be addressed to insure we continue to have a Safe, Stable, Prosperous Country, for Future Generations to Enjoy.