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Who will Canadians Vote for in the upcoming Election?

Blaine Mitton • August 31, 2021

I am in a Conundrum, having advocated

for a Conservative Government!

However, I now find myself in a position of supporting a Conservative Party, who’s Plan is not to Balance the Budget for 10 years.

The Debt is expected to grow to over $2,000,000,000,000 by 2024/2025.

At a 5% Interest Rate, the payment would be $100,000,000,000 per year, without paying down the Debt, on top of a Carbon Tax and Inflation.

The Liberals

$1,400,000,000,000 in Debt, with rising Deficits, and continuing to buy votes prior to the Election!!

Tax and Spend
O' Toole

The Conservatives

Who are duplicating the Liberals and with a Plan to Balance the Budget in 10 years!! The Conservatives have provided 162 pages of “Unfocused” Agenda!

The Maverick Party

Trudeau has caused the West to Rebel, forming a new party to protect the Interest of the West.

The West's Federal Party Maverick

The People’s Party of Canada
With a true Conservative Agenda!!

People's Party of Canada

Of Course, there are the Greens, Bloc Quebecois, and the NDP, neither of which I will consider.

Does one Vote Against an Agenda or Vote “for”

What One Believes is the Right Direction for Canada?

Sadly, but optimistically, rather then “not vote”,

I will vote for Maxine Bernier of the People’s Party.

Bernier seems to strike the right balance on all things Canadian as


and plans to Balance the Budget in TWO Years.

Yes, this will probably split the vote further, but in any event, it will probably be a minority Government with the NDP holding Power, sad to say!

But hopefully, with Maxine Bernier, there will be a Voice of Reason in Ottawa!!

The Two Major Parties are Driving us towards Socialism and total Government Control. We are losing our FREEDOM. A Venezuela in the making!!

When Government Expenditures become such a large portion of our economy there is little room for Private Investment.

In Fact, Private Investment Leaves as we have seen in past.

Here is what Canada should be doing to create Prosperity for all:

  • Eliminate the Retrograde Carbon Tax, and its cousin the Clean Fuel Standards Act, which are not even, evenly implemented across Canada.

  • Remove Bill C-48 and Bill C-69 which restrict investment in Western Oil and Gas Development. These Bills have cost Canada roughly $196 Billions of lost Investment. That’s Jobs and Export Revenue!!

  • Provide for an East Coast Pipeline, purchasing Canadian Oil versus $17 Billion of imported oil from Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

  • Reduce Taxes for Manufacturing in Canada.

  • Reduce Regulations to Allow Development, we are ranked 34th out of 35 OECD countries in terms of Acquiring Government Project Approvals.

  • Allow Incineration to turn Waste and Single Use Plastic into Electrical Energy, providing Electrical Power. It is the same as Burning Natural Gas.

  • Re-Negotiate Provincial Equalization Payments to Eliminate Unfairness of Application.

  • Stop Transferring Billions of Dollars to Indigenous Communities, so they can afford to Blockade Rail Lines and Pipelines, while Selling Illegal Cigarettes, but rather Integrate them into Society so they can contribute and have a Stake in Canadian Success.

  • Reduce the number of Civil Servants, which has grown from 260,000 in 2016 to 300,000in 2020 or 14%. The more Civil Servants, the more Regulations they develop as they build their Empires.

  • Forget about Wind and Solar for now, as it has driven up the cost of Electricity in Ontario making us less Competitive. Have we not learned a lesson??

  • Stop promoting Electric Vehicles, which pay no road tax, let the market decide!

To Create Prosperity, Canada needs to opened up to Private Investment, not Government Grants and Subsidies, which creates more Debt, and little Long-Term Payback, once the Money is spent.

Borrowed and Printed Money only last so long

and what happens when it runs out? Inflation?

Road to Prosperity

The “Coalition of Canadian Manufacturers and Businesses of Canada” have produced Significant Information on what would be good for Canadian Development.

There is information on Covid, Climate Change, Plastics, Fossil Fuel, World’s Energy, Political Policy, Enbridge Pipeline and much more. It can be found here. Also, you can join for Free for more information.

Another Excellent website.

It is Time for All of Us to Fight for Canada,

if we are to be a United Prosperous Country.

Call your MP today.

The MP’S Addresses can be found at the bottom of my website.

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