Well Trudeau released the Throne Speech this past week, after 4 weeks of Proroguing Parliament!
What a waste of time that was!!
Well if you were on the receiving end of some of the payouts, I guess that would be good, however if you were the Taxpayer who would eventually have to pay for the handouts, you may not be so enamored. Covid is not the only concern, mental illness, breakups and suicides require consideration.
So here we are with a $350+Billion-Dollar Deficit, and a $1.2 Trillion Debt weighing Canada down with not much to show for it, over the last 4 years, and now looking forward to a significant additional Deficit in 2021.
The Liberals and the Environmentalists have got the Fundamentals Wrong on Climate Change. Mankind has little to do with it, and particularly Canadians as Canada has the largest CO2 Carbon sink in the world, with all our 350 billion Trees, Marshes, and Farmland.
Green Peace and the Environmentalist are Propagating a Delusion on People Worldwide!
For us Oldsters, remember when we were told in the ‘70’s there would be no oil in 10 years, what a crock that was!! The same applies today.
Green Peace and the Environmentalist are Propagating a Delusion on People Worldwide!
For us Oldsters, remember when we were told in the ‘70’s there would be no oil in 10 years, what a crock that was!! The same applies today.
And now Emotional Nitwits are telling us we have Global Warming, caused by Fossil Fuels. They don’t want Canadians to develop the Fossil Fuel Industry that provides jobs across Canada and wealth for everyone’s benefit, rather they would prefer to do handouts from Taxpayers pockets.
That is not to say we shouldn’t address Particulate Emissions which we have done, by putting Emission Controls on cars and trucks, scrubbers on stacks, even scrubbers on the stacks of Great Lake Freighters. The largest Expenditures on Emission Reduction is in the Oil & Gas Industries.
Click Here, to learn more about “The Climate Hustle” and how if Trump is Elected, he may Help Canada and particularly Alberta!!
Let’s hope Trump gets re-elected, maybe he will come to our aid!!
The project is 1,600 miles long. From there, rail connections link Alaska to the rest of North America.
More than $60 million has already been committed to the project that will move Alberta oil to the Port of Alaska and global markets beyond. Currently, other ports on the West Coast are in places where the politics are not supportive of such a project that involves resource development.
But with Alaska’s pro-jobs governor and team in Washington, the $17 billion project could come to fruition.
Maybe this project will get the Liberals in Ottawa’s Attention?
The project envisions a single steel rail line with sidings so trains can travel in both directions. It would require switching yards, water and wastewater facilities, power lines and fiber optic cable. Of the $17 billion construction budget, $14 billion would be spent in Canada. The remaining $3 billion to be spent in Alaska eclipses numerous years of Alaska’s meager capital budgets, which have been in the low hundreds of millions each year.
There are still millions of people in the world without heat and electricity. Trump is willing to help, Trudeau is not.
Trudeau would sooner fret about something he cannot control, like the weather, rather than Help People in Need and that includes Canadians.
Meantime we import some $17 Billion dollars worth of oil each year from the U.S. Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Norway, to Quebec and the Eastern Provinces rather than purchase Alberta oil.
Quebec is very Hypocritical in purchasing Foreign Oil when between 2007 and 2018, they accepted $107 Billion in Equalization Payments, mainly funded by Alberta.
If O’Toole has any smarts, he will not tolerate this, and indicate as much before an Election is called.
Canadians know this is not right as indicated by the following illustration!!!!! It needs to become “What is right, not who is Right” Leaders are Respected and Appreciated!
Canadian Governments need to give their heads a shake, Reduce Corporate Taxes and Develop our Resources, Growing our GDP!!!!
Rescind Bill-C-69, Bill C-48 and Eliminate the Carbon Tax so Canadians can Compete!
We Need Profits, Extension of Financial Credit, and more Economic Transactions. There is no Free Lunch!!
Blaine Mitton
It is time for a Change!
Let’s Open Canada for Business!!!