Having our Credit Rating downgraded could cost us significantly more on our Close to $1 Trillion Dollars of Debt, increasing our Debt Payments Significantly.
And No, Finances do not look after themselves, they must be managed!!
This requires about $26,000,000,000 in Interest Payments on this Record Debt.
Just think about how much Debt Servicing Costs Canadian Tax Payers each year?
New News, we now have an expected $343 Billion-dollar Federal Deficit for the upcoming year. Sadly, there is not much to show for all Debt, as it has gone to Expense rather than Investment.
Trudeau has gone on a 4 Month Holiday, shutting down Parliament, while spending Billions of Tax Payer Dollars, from an Open Check book in the midst of a Pandemic!!! Is that being Accountable to the Canadian People. Worse, he is borrowing the money to give away, so the next generation can pay it back!!!